Artist Create Wholesome Comics About Two Rescue Cats And Their Human Who Understands Cat-Speak

Hello! I made Cat and Cat comic arrangement, not exactly a year prior to share a reality where cats could talk and we could get them. Based on my two genuine salvage felines, Cat and Cat comics is comfortable, healthy, and on occasion odd and mystical webcomics around two cats, Mickey and Minnie, and their human worker Suzy, who can converse with them and comprehend cat talk. It handles points about psychological well-being, satisfaction, love, family, and, obviously, the irregular peculiarities cats have.

Mickey and Minnie are not your normal comic cats. Mickey runs his own bistro, and Minnie is subtly an entertainer who can call evil spirits and fights her very own few devils. The comics are relatable whether you have a feline, and I trust they cause you to feel glad.

So plunk down, make yourself at home, and appreciate it!

More info: Instagram































Hello! I made Cat and Cat comic arrangement, not exactly a year prior to share a reality where cats could talk and we could get them. Based on my two genuine salvage felines, Cat and Cat comics is comfortable, healthy, and on occasion odd and mystical webcomics around two cats, Mickey and Minnie, and their human worker Suzy, who can converse with them and comprehend cat talk. It handles points about psychological well-being, satisfaction, love, family, and, obviously, the irregular peculiarities cats have.

Mickey and Minnie are not your normal comic cats. Mickey runs his own bistro, and Minnie is subtly an entertainer who can call evil spirits and fights her very own few devils. The comics are relatable whether you have a feline, and I trust they cause you to feel glad.

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