Meet Kitzia, the new ‘grumpy cat’ who is pure love 25 Viral Photos

You may remember Grumpy Cat, the kitten who became famous for her angry face at everyone. Well, when her owners announced that she had passed away last year, a part of us died with her. Who will bring us a smile with that sulky face? For his successor was not long in appearing, the new queen is called Kitzia and she takes her new position with great pride.

The grumpy little girl lives in Florida with her owner Viktoriia Otdielnova, a professional photographer, so it’s not uncommon for her to spend a lot of her time taking snapshots of her pet and soon to have become famous on Instagram.

#1 She is Kitzia

#2 And yes, his face is always like this

#3 It seems that everything bothers him

#4 ‘No kisses’

#5 Don’t caress’

#6 You know it’s irresistible

#7 And she hates being interrupted while she sleeps

#8 Can bear a little love once in a while

#9 She is a specialist in espionage

#10 And the reality is that, despite its appearance, it is pure love
















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