25 adorable dogs that managed to lose weight

Obesity in dogs causes a lot of damage. Only in the US, the majority of domestic dogs are obese or overweight, 55.8% of them, specifically. Dogs with these problems have poorer health and their quality of life is considerably lower. So making them lose weight is a good thing.

Here we have compiled some of the best photos before and after obese dogs transformed into happy and healthy pets. All with dedication and help from their owners and vets. Take a look, vote for your favorite photos and if you want, tell us the story of your pet losing weight.

The veterinary consensus is that obesity is the greatest threat to the health of dogs and cats: “Obese dogs have a higher risk of developing arthritis, hypertension, diabetes, and cancer, in addition to living an average of 2.5 years less than a dog healthy weight, “says Dr. Ernie Ward, founder of the Association for the Prevention of Obesity in Pets.

#1 My 90-year-old neighbor has been unable to walk her dog for a long time, so I offered to do it myself

#2 Dennis lost 79% of his body weight with healthy habits

#3 It has been beautiful

For dogs and humans, the equation for losing weight consists of 60-70% diet and 30-40% physical activity. Cats have different physiology and metabolism, for them, it is 90% diet and only 10% exercise.

#4 Before and after so you can see how far I’ve come

#5 From thick to slender

# 6 From 39 kilos to 20

The first step is to take the dog to the vet, who will determine the body condition score, set goals until it reaches its ideal weight, and the calories it should eat each day. It will also ensure that it has no other medical problems that are causing you to be overweight and be sure to exercise. Generally, a dog (and its owner) needs 30 minutes of aerobic activity a day.

#7 From 52 kilos in 2017 (and was already halfway through the diet) to 34 in 2019. Good Shiloh

#8 Luna is 2 years old, we adopted her 6 months ago and she has already lost 4.5 kilos

# 9 Zeus in 10 months: from 48.5 kilos to 37

Walking is the best way to exercise. It is easy, fast, efficient, and accessible for almost everyone. And free!

It is safe for a dog to lose between 3% and 5% of its body mass per month, provided it is supervised.

#10 Reba has lost more than half of his weight in 2 years, and we are proud

#11 We adopted it in October and it has lost 1 pound every week, it has more and more energy

# 12 A year ago, 8.6 kilos, now 3.7

The goal is to help pets and the people who love them to live longer, fuller, happier lives. And this begins with a nutritious diet, proper exercise, and a healthy body.

#13 Shiloh in 2016 and 2019, has lost more than 32 kilos

#14 Gracie was getting very round, but after 5 months of diet she already looks like this

#15 You have lost half your weight

#16 Difference of 10 months and 10 kilos

#17 Wolfgang in June and November

#18 From 18 kilos to 10

#19 Noah bulges less than 3 years ago

#20 Squishy is easier to load now

#21 Scarlet and Simba before and after, In 3 months they lost 2 and 3 kilos

#22 Duke weighed twice as much as he should before he got in shape

#23 Shiloh couldn’t walk more than 10 meters without standing up. After 3 months, she lost more than 13 kilos and can walk more than 1km

#24 Kayla used to be addicted to pizza, and she has lost 17 kilos

#25 Ruby has gone from 11 kilos to 6.8. Still wanting food at all hours, but I won’t let her get fat again

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