Not All Women Want Kids And This Artist Illustrates Why It’s OK


Kate McDonough, an artist living in South Dakota, USA, doesn’t need children, and a few people can’t make peace with it.

McDonough wants to draw comics, representations, and bunches of other senseless things. Humor has consistently been at the root of the majority of my work, it’s the manner by which I cope with the uneasiness and medical problems I’ve experienced after some time,


Along these lines, since craftsmanship has been McDonough’s favored method for communicating, she chose to disclose her choice to not have youngsters through a comic. What’s more, she worked admirably. Not exclusively did the sketch artist impeccably catch her own — thus numerous other’s — sentiments, yet portrayed the manner in which society will, in general, treat them too, causing individuals to reflect and rethink their interpretation of the subject.

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McDonough feels that a few people are awkward when she says she doesn’t need kids since they experience difficulty understanding where she’s coming from. Particularly, in the event that they have children of their own. They will most likely be unable to envision not having that joy in their life. It additionally may be unbalanced in light of the fact that individuals will, in general, expect the standard answer of ‘Goodness, we’ll be attempting soon!’ There is anything but a standard response to give when somebody says they don’t need kids.”

“The finish of my comic attempts to address that issue very little should be said other than acceptance” the craftsman clarified. Getting some information about kids has likewise been the standard for quite a while, and I think individuals are beginning to understand that there are such a significant number of reasons somebody probably won’t have kids. It’s truly best not to ask unprompted. On the off chance that somebody needs to discuss their choice to have kids or not, it’s useful to be steady and potentially pose inquiries in the event that it appears to be correct.”

This is what individuals said subsequent to perusing Kate’s comic

1 thought on “Not All Women Want Kids And This Artist Illustrates Why It’s OK”

  1. Amber Biliouris

    I am 44 years old now and don’t want kids. I never got married. These days I have to take care of my elderly mom and brother who is disabled due to health issues and bad choices. I’m glad I don’t have children to add to my issues. Unless we lose 90% of the world’s population, they don’t need me breeding.

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