This owner combs her dog every day since the quarantine started, and people are looking forward to seeing the hairstyles every day.

The coronavirus has changed many things for Hannah Heil and her family. She and her husband had never worked more than a day or two from home, and never at the same time. However, the pandemic has forced them to take the work they’ve been doing for more than a decade to the farm where they live, where the internet doesn’t always work well. Of course, they both worried that they couldn’t do their job well. And they also spent a lot of time with their close friends, so not seeing them is proving difficult.

But Hannah has found the perfect way to survive these challenges: doing fun hairstyles for her dog Hank. This Newfoundland dog has no problem with its owner playing with her hair. Hannah has created an Instagram account to document the experiments and says she will stick with them until we can get back to normal.

# 1 Day 15: Luke, Han, and a black tauntaun

“Hank helped me with this stress. When he needed to rest or something seemed to go wrong, we would sit with him for a few minutes. Hank has this fur that seems to show his humor, which is fun to play with. While we rested with him, we started combing his hair to make us laugh at each other. We thought that since it encouraged us so much, maybe it would serve to encourage friends and families too. We started publishing what came out every morning before work. ”

# 2 Day 11: Muuu

Before the quarantine, the family had planned a large gathering to celebrate Hannah’s grandmother’s 100th birthday, who has passed away and had to be canceled. But Hank and his hairstyles have helped cheer them up and stay connected. Grandma loved animals, she probably would have liked these photos.

# 3 Day 4: Sunday Brunch

The best thing is that Hank also enjoys it. Hank is your typical Newfoundland: patient, caring, and loyal. He is also very photogenic and loves all the care he receives while we are at home. The isolation has been fantastic for him as we listen to him for 24 hours. There are not many things that annoy Hank. As long as we give him kisses and a biting toy afterward, it’s perfect for him.

# 4 Day 16: Exotic Hank

# 5 Day 5: Hank, Home Office Relationship Manager

# 6 Day 10: Sunday to take care of yourself

# 7 Day 6: back to the stone age

# 8 Day 1

# 9 Day 7: poor man who tries to leave this house

# 10 Day 9: the black pearl

# 11 Day 13: call and I’ll send you the cards for free

# 12 Day 2

# 13 Day 3: like the Misfits

# 14 Day 9: Castaway

# 15 Day 18: college fraternity party

# 16 Give the cook a kiss

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