People Send Photos Of Their Pets to This Artist And She Disneyfies Them (30 images)

Surely you have not heard the term “Disneyney” before. it seems that sociologists have been using it in 1959 to describe the commercial transformation of a society to resemble Walt “Disney” parks and resorts, based on consumerist lifestyles and rapid western globalization.

However, Dutch illustrator Isa Bredt has given it another meaning. For her, Disneyfication is a way of transforming animals to take them to the world of animation. Through her Pet Disneyfication project, this 22-year-old artist transforms people’s pet photos into Disney-style illustrations, and they come out great. The facial features, the expressions … all the creatures in the collection look like stars of the next Disney movie

More information at: Instagram | Patreon


Bredt loves to draw from a young age but only considered making it his career when he finished high school. This made him study illustration and animation, but he left it during his third year to do portraits.

Pet Disney is something I did sporadically during my free time for about 5 years. I started because I am a huge fan of the old Disney style and I love drawing animals,” he explained.


But this artist from Tilburg is not a Disney employee: “I’m just a fan. The lion king is my favorite movie, I used to watch it daily as a child. I adore the old movies of animals, the Lady and the Tramp, 101 Dalmatians, the Aristocats .. . ”

He started this project on Reddit: “There was a subreddit where you could offer free art to people. I wanted to practice the Disney style, so I offered free drawings to people who would send me pictures of their pets.


This was in 2014 when Bredt was 16 years old. I did it a few times and people really enjoyed it, although it wasn’t very good then. Last summer, at last, I decided to accept assignments as a summer job, since I don’t want to work in the hospitality industry again, and it went well enough to decide to create an Instagram and do these commissions as a side job. ”

After that, the project grew quite quickly. Over time, Bredt also began drawing animals in shelters. She hopes that her portraits will help animals find a home and she is happy to use her platform for something good.




























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