What fruits can dogs eat? Dog fruits are the latest trend in pet food. Who does not like fruits? There is no doubt that they must be very few, and it is not to be expected. These foods have been considered delicacies of the gods for many hundreds and thousands of years, both for their delicious flavors and their many properties. So why deny the pleasure of fruits to your pets?
There is no reason, fruits are one of the allowed foods for dogs and can be part of their balanced diet, despite the fact that dogs are carnivores. This is because many of the dog foods do not contain all the desired nutrients to complement an appropriate diet, and gives us the option of being able to take advantage of many benefits that fruits do, both vitamins, minerals and other components that can improve undoubtedly the health of our dogs. Therefore, we detail some of the benefits of fruits that dogs can eat, according to canine nutrition veterinary experts:
Here, List Of 12 Fruits, your dogs can eats
1. Strawberries
Strawberries are one of the fruits that a dog can eat, always considering that they should only be a supplement to their diet and be eaten in small amounts as natural gifts. However, do not be overwhelmed if your pet does not like them, you can choose other fruits for dogs from this list.
Some of the benefits that it can bring to your pets are vitamin C as natural antioxidants, minerals such as magnesium, potassium, and copper; and healthy fibers. It also complements its fatty acids with omega 3 and folic acids that will bring many benefits to your dog.
2. Mangoes
One of the most frequently asked questions is if dogs can eat mangoes, and the answer is a resounding Yes! This is one of the most delicious fruits for dogs that we can choose as part of its canine supplements, and it is not only preferred for its incomparable flavor but also for its nutritional contributions of vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, and folic acid.
As with other pet fruit, you should exercise caution the first time you give this allowed dog food a try. If it does not present any gastrointestinal reaction (vomiting, diarrhea, or others) you can be happy that your dog likes you love mangoes.
The recommended thing is very small portions of 1 cm squares, for example for reference you can give 1 – 2 squares to a miniature dog, 2 – 3 squares if it is a small breed, 3 or 4 squares if it is a medium dog, 4 to 5 squares if it is large breed dog and 5-6 if it is of giant breeds.
3. Apples and Pears are one of the fruits for dogs
It is one of the recommended fruits for dogs since they are hypoallergenic and can be consumed by everyone. It is also very dynamic to offer raw to your pet or even prepare it cooked with some homemade dog cake. Its main benefits make it one of the stars of fruits for dogs, as its purifying function, high content of vitamins C and A or carotenoids, they are ideal antioxidants to slow down cancer, for example, high level of minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, and calcium) or even tannins for anti-inflammatory problems.
It is recommended to consider it as a reward for your pet and never replace canine food. You can give him a small seedless apple 2-3 times a week.
4. Melon without seeds
Melons are one of the juiciest dog fruits due to their high liquid concentration and are highly acclaimed in the summer. Although it has a concentration of natural sugars and is not recommended for diabetic dogs, it can be a complement to reward your pet. The main properties that make melon attractive to dogs are its high concentration of beta-carotene that converts to vitamin A, ideal potassium for muscles and cardiac concentration, and vitamin C as an antioxidant.
Despite its incredible benefits, it is essential to take certain precautions for our pets. The most important is to remove all the seeds, as they contain a poisonous substance called cyanide and it is very poisonous to dogs. Likewise, if it is the first time that your dog will taste this fruit, you should be attentive to its reactions and observe if it presents gastrointestinal disturbances (vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite) that will give you clues to know that your dog does not tolerate this fruit and you should go to your vet to treat it.
The recommendation is to give small pieces (2 to 4 cm) eventually, that is, you can include them in the awards food that you give when you want to thank him for his good dog behavior. The most important thing is that you will be benefiting your pet with the many benefits of this fruit for dogs and he will be able to enjoy it to the fullest.
5. Watermelon
Watermelons are other fruits for dogs that you can choose, both for their antioxidant properties as they contain lycopene, the same that reduces the risk of cancer, heart disease, and more; It can also offer vitamins (A, B6 and C) and a diuretic and purifying function by chlorophyll that will cleanse your pet’s blood. Also, watermelon has the distinction of being a source of natural hydration and provide low calories for our pets.
It is recommended that you start by giving him a piece of no more than 2 cm, and observe his reaction. If your pet tolerates watermelon very well, it can increase the portion a little more to 4 pieces of 2cm. As in other fruits, dogs cannot eat the seeds or the rind of the watermelon.
6. Bananas or bananas
It is one of the most favorite fruits for dogs that there is, simply our pets love them. The main properties are the contribution of potassium to maintain the firmness of the bones and inhibit the effect of sodium in our body, and as if that were not enough, it can also provide natural prebiotics to promote healthy bacteria in your intestine, vitamin B6 as an anti-inflammatory and vitamin C as a boost to your dog’s immune system. A portion of 4 to 6 slices of a ripe banana or banana will be more than enough for your pet, but it never occurs to you to give it the peel.
Now you will not see as a simple fruit that a dog can eat but as a very healthy and beneficial contribution to your pet. If you didn’t know you can also prepare delicious banana-based dog cakes, surprise them with something different!
7. pineapple

It is a perfect fruit for your dog for its high water content makes it a favorite in the summer, plenty of fiber, B5 vitamins from pantothenic acid and minerals such as magnesium; and bromelain that helps digest the proteins your pet ingests in greater amounts.
You can chop the pineapple into small pieces and give it as one of the occasional prizes to your pet. The best are the fresh pineapples and not those that come as preserves. I remember that you should not abuse the portions or frequency since you could cause diarrhea and other gastrointestinal complaints.
8. Peach or peach
Peach is one of the fruits that a dog can eat and they are the most popular. As well as its unmistakable flavor, they are also its benefits of high levels of fiber and vitamin A, making them irresistible to add to the list of most delicious dog fruits.
Dogs can eat peach or peach, but be careful not to give them the core bone to avoid choking, because it is very hard.
9. Coco

Coconut is not a prohibited fruit for dogs, and we can give it to our pets occasionally. Both coconut pulp and coconut oil are very nutritious and provide many benefits, for example; more potassium than four bananas, it has fewer sugars than a sports drink, a high content of electrolytes that makes it a perfect moisturizer, low calories and fat-free, and an important natural antioxidant such as vitamin E.
The recommendations with this fruit are to look for natural coconut water, without any added; Avoid coconut milk that has a high level of calories and is not recommended for your pet. Coconut water can be offered as a liquid treatment to your dog in hot weather.
10. Kiwis
Dogs can eat kiwis and not only that, it does them good. This fruit for pets benefits from oxidative damage due to the flavonoids it possesses, and of course, the contribution of vitamin C. Other contributions that may favor your dog is resistance to cardiovascular diseases, regulation of blood pressure improves digestive health and activates the immune system. There are plenty of reasons to be part of the reward diet for your dog.
11. Papaya

Papaya is another fruit that dogs can eat, and in addition to its sweetness and soft texture, many dogs like its flavor very much. Just be sure to remove the husk and seeds, and avoid it in dogs with diabetes.
Its multiple benefits are excellent to help in gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion and flatulence; contributions of vitamins K, E, A and C, many mineral minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, as well as folic acid. These properties favor the strengthening of the immune system and provide more energy to your dog to not stop running all day!
Papaya is another fruit that dogs can eat, and in addition to its sweetness and soft texture, many dogs like its flavor very much. Just be sure to remove the husk and seeds, and avoid it in dogs with diabetes.
Its multiple benefits are excellent to help in gastrointestinal problems such as indigestion and flatulence; contributions of vitamins K, E, A, and C, many mineral minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, as well as folic acid. These properties favor the strengthening of the immune system and provide more energy to your dog to not stop running all day!
12. Oranges
Dogs can eat oranges safely. If you discover that your pet loves this citrus, you can be happy that it is very healthy for its health, always in moderate amounts similar to a canine premium. Although some dogs don’t like the tart flavor of these fruits, you know you have a long list of other dog fruits.
Both for its high level of hydration and its high dose of antioxidants due to vitamin C, it is one of the most practical fruits for dogs. You can easily take it on a walk and give your pet some segments as a canine reward.
Recommendations of fruits for dogs:
Keep in mind that it is recommended that you can include fruits and vegetables an average of 10% to 15% within your dog’s diet. They can never replace a balanced daily meal.
Always consider that some fruits can generate allergies in your dog, so it is better to try a little before giving him a decent portion. If you notice any reaction, you should go to your vet and try other dog-friendly fruits.
All dog-friendly fruits can be given as rewards for your pet, and take advantage of the many natural favors that these delicious options offer.
Fruits for dogs can provide innumerable benefits, however, due to their natural sugar content, they should be consumed in moderation, as dogs cannot digest them easily like humans.
Now that you know a little more about other food options allowed for your dog, you can gradually incorporate new flavors and textures in your pet’s food, always considering the necessary precautions or consulting the main veterinarian in cases of discomfort. Tell us What is your dog’s favorite fruit?
Credit website: para-perros.online