This dog had the best photo shoot for her pregnancy

Pickles, a pit bull dog, was rescued from the streets in early September. Her rescuers noted that she needed help as she was pregnant. Over the days they found out where it came from and contacted its owners, but they decided that Pickles was no longer part of their family and abandoned her.

Pickles needed more help than the shelter could offer, fortunately, the organization Pits & Giggles Rescue, which specializes in caring for pregnant and lactating dogs, provided her with the necessary help and even gave her a beautiful maternal photo session, fit for a queen.

She is Pickles, the future mom

Despite being abandoned by its owners

He found refuge and support at the appropriate time

This made her pregnancy the happiest moment of her life

Enjoyed a maternal photoshoot

He showed off his huge belly and days later … his puppies

The ones he loves with all his heart

There is no doubt, she is a proud and beautiful mom!

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