These 23 Comics About Adorable Animals Living Through Lockdown Show A Good Example For Us Humans

My name is Chow Hon Lam. With the ongoing coronavirus lockdown, I have additional time at home and I made another comic arrangement called “Rotund Animals Talk”, with day by day biographies of some charming animals. The look and demeanor of the characters right now motivated by our present isolated life.

During the isolate, we have significantly additional time at home now than at any other time. We are moving less and sit more, eat more (Keep discovering nourishment to eat at home), and rest more. I accept after the isolate, the majority of us will end up being a pudgy like the animals right now.

Expectation this comic can give some amusement to individuals right now. More transfers of the arrangement coming sooner rather than later. Stay tuned, remain at home and be safe!

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