Meloxicam For Dogs, Information, Dosage, Effects And More


Meloxicam For Dogs, No pet owner likes to see their canine friends suffer pain for any reason. No matter where the pain comes from, pain is pain, right? And the pain is miserable. Some dogs suffer from pain that may be related to cancer and cancer treatments, and some dogs suffer from chronic pain, such as pain that comes from arthritis, which is why they use of Meloxicam to Dogs is quite recommended by specialists.

Some dogs experience short-term pain related to an injury and sometimes dogs need medication to control the pain after a necessary surgery. Whatever the case, when it comes to pain, Meloxicam can help.



What is Meloxicam for dogs?

Meloxicam is an NSAID, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for dogs that is used to help reduce inflammation, pain, and associated stiffness that is related to musculoskeletal system disorders (such as osteoarthritis in dogs).

It is a prescription drug, it is not available without a prescription, and is sold with the pill. Meloxicam is approved by the FDA for use in dogs and is used to treat a large number of health conditions that cause pain and inflammation.

Meloxicam can also be used to reduce a dog’s fever. However, it should always be closely monitored, as it can be dangerous in doses that are too high, and dogs should be kept well hydrated when using Meloxicam.

Benefits of Meloxicam in dogs

Some of the benefits of Meloxicam for dogs include that they are sold as tablets that are easy to administer to your dog by mouth, and are available in liquid or injectable form for dogs that have difficulty taking tablets. It is effective in reducing inflammation, pain and stiffness that is often associated with various conditions and sold in tablets, so you only pay for what you really need.

How does Meloxicam work for dogs?

Meloxicam works by inhibiting the chemicals and hormones that cause inflammation and pain in dogs. These chemicals are called prostaglandins. Meloxicam also works by inhibiting phospholipase A-2 and COX-2, which are some of the agents responsible for pain and inflammation in dogs.

Meloxicam reduces pain and irritation without the need for steroid medications. There is also a version of Meloxicam that is used in humans, called Mobic, but Mobic should never be given to a dog instead of Meloxicam since the two versions of the drug are not interchangeable.

Dosage of Meloxicam for dogs

The dosage of Meloxicam for dogs is determined by the weight of your dog. A typical dose is 0.09 to 0.1 mg per pound on the first day, and then 0.045 to 0.05 mg per pound thereafter, administered to your dog once a day.

Meloxicam is an oral medication typically prescribed as 7.5 mg tablets. Although Meloxicam can be given to a dog on an empty stomach, it should still be given plenty of water, and food can be useful.

If you have trouble giving your dog tablets, you can ask your veterinarian about a liquid form of Meloxicam that you can add to your dog’s food. The goal is to give your dog the lowest possible dose while still being effective in relieving his pain.

Therefore, you can take some adjustment to get the correct dose of your dog. Another option to administer Meloxicam is by injection, but you should talk to your veterinarian about the injections and you should have them show you how to give them to your pet. If you distrust the needles, it may not be the best option.

It is also important to be sure to follow your veterinarian’s advice on dosing at face value because giving your dog too much Meloxicam can cause some very serious side effects. Keep in mind that if you miss a dose, you can make up for the dose, but you should do it as soon as possible.

However, if the next dose expires soon, simply skip the one you forgot, and continue with your regular dosing schedule. Never give your dog a double dose of Meloxicam.

Side effects of Meloxicam in dogs

Meloxicam has side effects similar to any other NSAID medication, such as naproxen, aspirin, and ibuprofen for dogs. This means that your dog may suffer severe gastrointestinal upset if he is given too high a dose. If you notice that the side effects of using Meloxicam seem to get worse, or if they are very serious from the start, talk to your veterinarian so they can try to adjust the dose and find a level of pain relief that works for your dog.

Some of the most common side effects of Meloxicam for dogs include:

Black or bloody stools
Visible blood in your dog’s vomit
Stomach ulcers
Abdominal pain and tenderness
An increase in thirst and urination
Possible swelling or weight gain due to fluid retention
Stools that look like tar
Muscular weakness
Jaundice (your dog’s eyes, gums and skin appear yellow)
Loss of appetite
Dry mouth
Skin irritation such as redness, scratches and scabs
Even a loss of renal function

Your dog may also experience behavioral changes such as:

Uncoordinated Movements
A decrease in energy and activity

Some of the signs of anaphylactic shock include:

Lip, tongue or face swelling,
Difficult breathing
Muscle cramps

If your dog seems to have an allergic reaction to Meloxicam or thinks he may be in anaphylactic shock, you should treat the situation as an emergency and consult your veterinarian immediately. Anaphylactic shock can be life-threatening.

Precautions for the use of Meloxicam

It is not advisable to administer Meloxicam to dogs that are pregnant or breastfeeding. Meloxicam should also not be given to puppies under six months of age. Dog with Meloxicam should be kept very hydrated, and dogs with ulcers should avoid Meloxicam.

Dogs with kidney, liver, or heart problems should also not take Meloxicam. Dogs with borderline renal function may suffer from renal failure due to the medication, dogs suffering from cardiovascular or renal conditions, dogs receiving concomitant diuretic therapy, and dogs with liver dysfunction are not good candidates for Meloxicam.

Be sure to talk with your veterinarian about any possible health problems your dog may have, and provide a good history of current and past medical conditions, as well as current medications.

With a thorough history and background, your veterinarian can properly assess whether Meloxicam is suitable for your dog in its current state of health. Over-the-counter medications can also be a problem when taking Meloxicam, so make sure your veterinarian knows of any that your dog may be taking.

And as a final note of caution, never give your dog Meloxicam if you are already taking other NSAIDs, like aspirin, Rimadyl or Deramaxx.

Signs of toxicity or overdose of Meloxicam

It is easy to overdose your dog with Meloxicam if you are not careful to give them the dose prescribed by your veterinarian. When a dog experiences toxic levels of a medication such as Meloxicam, they can show a variety of symptoms.

These symptoms include:

Fast and difficult breathing
Stools that are dark and resemble tar
Loss of appetite
Vomiting and diarrhea
An increase in urination
An increase in thirst
Uncoordinated Movements
Lethargy and sleepiness
Loss of consciousness
Pale gums
Behavior changes

Unfortunately, an overdose of an NSAID medicine such as Meloxicam can be fatal if it is not treated quickly and immediately,

so it is important that you treat a suspicious overdose as an emergency and take your dog to a veterinary hospital as soon as you can.

Alternatives to Meloxicam

If your dog simply does not tolerate non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as Meloxicam, you can try alternative medications.

In some cases, Tylenol may be prescribed, although many veterinarians avoid administering it due to the narrow margin of error when it comes to accurately dosing your dog. It is very easy for a dog accidental overdose of Tylenol. However,

if it is prescribed by your veterinarian, it can be effective.

In some cases, dogs that suffer pain related to neuropathic conditions and dogs that experience chronic pain, have some success when taking gabapentin daily. Gabapentin is an anticonvulsant medication that also seems to help control pain. However, gabapentin is a medication that seems to work more efficiently when combined with other pain relievers, so it should be taken into account.

The NMDA antagonist is another drug that appears to be more effective when combined with other pain relievers. However,

its effectiveness seems to be somewhat limited and, in general,

seems to help dogs suffering from neuropathic pain more.

Sometimes your veterinarian may choose to prescribe narcotics such as codeine, hydrocodone, morphine, tramadol, fentanyl or buprenorphine ,

especially when the pain is severe and other medications do not appear to be strong enough to control it.

Although narcotics are usually given only in hospital situations,

they can occasionally be prescribed as pills or patches to administer at home.

The steroids sometimes also prescribed to control pain in dogs, especially when it comes to spinal pain. However,

steroids have a lot of side effects, and they may not work well with other medications your dog is in. So, they are definitely not the first option, despite their effectiveness.

Natural alternatives to control your dog’s pain

Sometimes, prescription or over-the-counter medications simply will not agree with your pet. In other cases, you may not be willing to give your dog pain medications such as Meloxicam for his own personal reasons. When that is the case, you can choose to use more natural and alternative solutions.

Acupuncture treatments

Acupuncture is a Chinese therapy that has been passed down through time and is used for both humans and animals with some success when it comes to control and treat pain.

This is especially true for pain that is chronic or long-lasting,

such as osteoarthritis or other degenerative bone and joint conditions.

When acupuncture is practiced regularly, it can be a very effective holistic therapy that will help keep your dog pain free and will feel young and agile for years to come.

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