Illustrates What Happens At Hogwarts When No One Is Watching (15 New Photos)

Hi, I’m Sarah Dunlavey (Madame Lady).

I’m a Montreal comic lady who does silly strips daily!

I started posting daily in 2016 and have not stopped since.” making people smile” and creating webcomics is my fuel I love it.

I do a lot of relatable content about my life or just silly ideas that I think are fun! I also find a lot of inspiration in the movies and shows that I’m a fan of. I love parodying Game of Thrones, Disney, Harry Potter, and many others (but mostly Harry Potter)!

I am a film student and am currently working as an artist in a game studio, but someday I would love to be able to live on my own creations.

More info: Instagram | Facebook |
















Hi, I’m Sarah Dunlavey (Madame Lady).

I’m a Montreal comic lady who does silly strips daily!

I started posting daily in 2016 and have not stopped since.” making people smile” and creating webcomics is my fuel I love it.

I do a lot of relatable content about my life or just silly ideas that I think are fun! I also find a lot of inspiration in the movies and shows that I’m a fan of. I love parodying Game of Thrones, Disney, Harry Potter, and many others (but mostly Harry Potter)!

I am a film student and am currently working as an artist in a game studio, but someday I would love to be able to live on my own creations.

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