Humane Society Promises To Make A Bad Original Drawing Of Your Pet For A $15 Donation And Here’s The Results (30 Pics)

The Wisconsin Humane Society takes care of 40,000 animals every year and depends on gifts to make the entirety of that work conceivable. To ensure it arrives at its objectives, the association propelled another pledge drive battle on the 25th of February.

It’s a great opportunity to put the ‘fun’ back in raising support… on the off chance that you give $15 to the animals at WHS, we’ll draw your pet, its Facebook post said. We have a pool of staff and volunteers to hold on, anxious to transform your animal into an immortal gem (or if nothing else make you chuckle). You may get one of our very capable craftsmen, however, we’ll be straightforward… you’ll most likely get somebody who can’t draw out of a paper sack.”

The entries – and gifts – promptly began pouring in. Keep looking to look at how the Humane Society managed them!

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