He lost hair, was invisible and had bacteria: Ralph fought until his fur shone again


The puppy had a second chance and made the most of it. He had such a difficult start in life, but he has always been loving, gentle and confident. It is an absolute joy says its proud owner. I didn’t give anymore. After spending years on the street, Ralph was living the last days of his life. Dangerously skinny and with his weak body covered with wounds that caused the fall of all his fur, the poor puppy was already delivered to his fate. He had a serious bacterial infection, a serious problem with one of his ears and part of his vision compromised.


No one had helped him in years, he was practically invisible. And after fighting for the majority of the 4 years of his life short, his death would be the same as his existence was, silent and very sad. He closed his eyes and lay down in the same corner of South London that had served as a refuge for one last rest before saying goodbye to this world. But fate had a surprise ready for him and he wouldn’t let it go yet.

A group of volunteers from the Battersea Dogs and Cats Home animal shelter found him just in time and did everything possible to give Ralph a second chance to live as every dog ​​deserves, full of love and affection. As soon as he was picked up he was taken to the vet, where he had to be monitored day and night to ensure his survival. And while Ralph was tired and in very bad condition, the puppy showed a fighting spirit that impressed everyone who treated him.

A month later, the once bony animal on the verge of death is virtually unrecognizable. Healthy, playful, full of hair and life, Ralph was responsible for demonstrating that all dogs deserve a second chance and that they can be saved.
And now, the journey of the puppy came to a very happy ending: for the first time in 4 years, he has a home with Wendy Tung, one of the volunteers who saved his life and with whom he formed an unbreakable bond. Ralph is a wonderful dog. It brings me company and much love and affection. Every day I think about how lucky I am to have it, ”the woman told the news portal The Mirror.

He had such a difficult start in life, but he has always been loving, gentle and confident. It is an absolute joy. When I took him home for the first time, he was still a very poor dog, which was sad to see. There was no muscle, it was just bone, ”Wendy added. I didn’t want to go out to the garden without me. I think he was terrified of being locked in the cold again. He must have been locked in a courtyard and left out alone in the past, ”he continued. Now it’s like a totally different dog. He is a true gentleman. He is very polite. He never asks for anything. He never complains. It is for Battersea that he had his second chance in life, ”concluded the proud owner and companion of Ralph.

Today, Ralph is a happy and grateful dog of life. His dark and sick past is behind him and next to Wendy looks to the future with optimism.


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