Brodie Got His Face Disfigured As A Puppy By His Mother, Today He’s About To Become A Therapy Dog

Brodie is not a canine you meet every day. After surviving an att-ack by her own mother at the frail age of 13 days, the cub was partially blind and with a permanently disfigured face. Looking like a Picasso masterpiece, Brodie is even more adorable, making everyone’s hearts melt with her big heart and strong spirit.

Fortunately, the German Shepherd and Border Collie mix are ​​now in good hands with her new forever family, Amanda Richter and her boyfriend Brad Ames. Brodie is loved by virtually anyone he meets, including his own 160K Instagram followers, the puppy is now training to become a therapy dog. “We hope to train him to be a therapy dog ​​someday so that he can help other people with disabilities,” said Amanda, who assured Brodie fans that she is happy as always.

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When he was 13-days-old, Brodie survived an att-ack by his own mom that left his face disfigured

Brodie suffered serious head and facial inj-uries after being att-acked by his mother as a baby. As it grew, the puppy’s jaw fused, leaving his face atrophied and causing partial blindness. Initially, it seemed that Brodie had found his family forever after his first adoption. But soon, its previous owner decided to return the puppy to the Old MacDonald Kennels in Alberta, Canada, saying he was “too hyperactive.

Brodie found a new family who could nOT care less about his wonky features and believe he was meant for them

Brodie’s story touched many hearts, but his new forever family, Amanda Richter, 30, and boyfriend Brad Ames, 23, were particularly touched. After seeing the puppy online, they fell in love in an instant. They traveled to the shelter and picked it up the same day, and since then they have been inseparable.

He’s definitely hyperactive, but he’s very smart. His brain is perfectly fine and he learns tricks in 10 minutes, usually, which tells me he’s a smart boy,” said Amanda.

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