Artist Who Makes People Cry With Her Comics Just Released A New One, But This Time, It’s A Happy One

We do not know when or how we are going to leave this world, but it is important to reconcile with the fact that we are going to do it. Artist Jenny Jinya has created a few comics exploring the possibilities of the next life, and they are really touching.

But this comic, the German illustrator surprised her followers and did something completely different. By popular request, I have now tried a happy’ comic, she tweeted two days ago with the beautiful webcomic which finally has a happy ending. I was worried that my fans might be a bit exhausted,

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Jenny-jinya told us that she has been aware that her webcomics are really hard to take. I know that I read a lot about how close they get to people. she says she wanted to try and give her followers something that would happy them up and won’t get them down.


at the result, she came up with the idea to draw this fox webcomic strip, which is the 1st happy one she has ever done. In the starting, Jenny-jinya says she had some doubts about whether people would like this newest approach, especially by introducing the new character Life. Meanwhile, she found it very exciting to put her sad comics in a whole new light.






The newest character named Life was, in fact, inspired by the Reaper, for whom Jenny-jinya always felt sorry since he has a sadist and lonely job. Jenny-jinya explained Although he has a friendly and gentle nature, he often gets blamed for everything and encounters hostility.

It’s important to realize that the Reaper belongs to the circle of life.


this is what folks had to say


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