Artist Who Made People Cry With Her ‘Good Boy’ Comics Just Released A New One About A Dog Being Put To Sleep

We do not know when or how we are going to leave this world, but it is important to reconcile with the fact that we are going to do it. Jenny-Jinya has created a few comics exploring the possibilities of the next life, and they are really touching.

We feel like we have been hit right in the feels and it is getting hard to hold back the tears. German artist Jenny, who goes by the name Jenny-Jinya online, has released her newest bittersweet comic. This time, Jenny drew a story about an owner’s emotional struggles as he brings his pooch to the vet to be put to sleep and stays with him in his final moments. It is so powerful, it is bound to make any animal lover’s bottom lip tremble.


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We feel like we have been hit right in the feels and it is getting hard to hold back the tears. German artist Jenny, who goes by the name Jenny-Jinya online, has released her newest bittersweet comic. This time, Jenny drew a story about an owner’s emotional struggles as he brings his pooch to the vet to be put to sleep and stays with him in his final moments. It is so powerful, it is bound to make any animal lover’s bottom lip tremble.





folks thanks Jenny for her comic and agreed with her message that owners should be with their animals in their final moments. thanks for the ready and please share with friends

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