Thai Illustrator Makes Colorful Comics That Take Unexpected Turns And Here Are 15 Of The Best Ones

The special seasons are finding some conclusion, and some accept that there’s no time more soul-filled than the one after the happy season. Thus it’s the ideal time to investigate these awful funnies from 27-year-old Tum Natakorn Ulit, a craftsman from Bangkok, Thailand, whose extraordinary style and stories are nearly ensured to crush a detach from you. Despite the fact that they’re specifically unique, these funnies consistently pass on an ambivalent feeling of disaster.

Ulit disclosed to Bored Panda that he gets motivation for his comics “For the most part from torment and my own experience that I deciphered into comics with the goal that I can communicate those emotions.”

A feeling of disaster is vague. In some sense it’s awful, even agonizing, to see somebody in a heartbreaking condition. Then again, seeing a disaster is kind of hypnotizing, it gets you in a puzzling way, it interfaces with you. Purification is an inclination of joy and praise that comes at the finish of watching a grievous encounter from a far distance. An extraordinary Greek scholar Aristotle has said that purgation has the ability to purify an individual’s spirit and to revitalize one’s life, causing one to value it considerably more. These comics are, in some sense, an exceptionally thought type of disaster. It makes’ one extremely upset to appear them disentangle the manner in which they do, yet toward its finish, you can see a little beam of expectation peering through.

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#1 Soldier boy



#3 hello boy

#4 My precious

#5 cat vision

#6 Almost a miracle

#7 hug

#8 mr santa

#9 pick colors


#10 Only God(zilla) knows

#11 you eat me






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