Artist Perfectly Illustrates The Joys Of Living Alone. The Photos Are So Relatable

The series of illustrations that we share with you is the work of Yaoyao Ma Van As, a painter, and illustrator based in Los Angeles, USA.

They try to reflect on what they believe is the wonder of living alone.

We, rather than disagree, make a note. Of course, it can be an absolute wonder to live alone. Of course. But something must be wrong if we can’t do any of these things while sharing our life and space with someone we love and who loves us back.

#1 Go Crazy

#2 Play With YouR dOG

#3 Have a lot of peace and tranquility

#4 Spend hours watching the rain

#5 Dance as if no one saw you. Because, indeed, it is.

#6 Enjoy the stillness

#7 Have your clothes anywhere

#8 That every moment can be a party

#9 Feel free all the time

#10 Take endless baths

#11 Let your inner artist flow

#12 Get stuck in your books

#13 Work at the time you want

#14 Zanganear without regard

#15 Take it easy

#16 Spending as much time as you want in the bathroom without being interrupted

#17 Be careless from time to time and nothing happens

#18 Do not stop enjoying the small moments

#19 Enjoy the silence

#20 Eat what you want when you want without being accountable

#21 Always cook what you want

#22 Walking aimlessly

#23 Always carry your own rhythm

#24 Improvise without fear

#25 Let yourself be hypnotized by the rain in the window

#26 Eating without protocols

#27 Mark your territory

#28 Turn everything upside down

#29 Turn your house into your gym

#30 Don’t worry about filling everything with hair

The series of illustrations that we share with you is the work of Yaoyao Ma Van As, a painter, and illustrator based in Los Angeles, USA.

They try to reflect on what they believe is the wonder of living alone.

We, rather than disagree, make a note. Of course, it can be an absolute wonder to live alone. Of course. But something must be wrong if we can’t do any of these things while sharing our life and space with someone we love and who loves us back.

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