A Startling & Thought-Provoking Series On Animal Ab-use Will Put Humans To Shame (26 comics)

Even though humanity has made so much progress throughout history, it pains me to say that animal ab-use remains a rampant problem even in the 21st century. We still have poachers, animal testing, and are destroying animal habitats for the sake of profit. And even though progress is being made to help stop these terrible actions, we should talk about them more often. And to raise awareness of the problem of animal ab-use, an artist called ‘Milk DoNg Comics’ created a series of awkward comics Take a look below.

Credit Instagram @mlikdongcomic
















Imagine a scenario where animals could talk. Ever thought about what will they say? artist Milk DoNg made a workmanship assortment arrangement titled  Scene’ uncovering the heart-breaking, yet inconceivably critical workmanship. DoNg has given a voice to the voiceless, who have stayed at the less than desirable finish of human conduct and insatiability. As people, we are very narrow-minded, just acting for our own benefit. In the event that the voiceless had a voice, this is undoubtedly they’d state.












Even though humanity has made so much progress throughout history, it pains me to say that animal abu-se remains a rampant problem even in the 21st century. We still have poachers, animal testing, and are destroying animal habitats for the sake of profit. And even though progress is being made to help stop these terrible actions, we should talk about them more often. And to raise awareness of the problem of animal abu-se, an artist called ‘Milk DoNg Comics’ created a series of awkward comics

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