Can dogs eat mango

Can Dogs Eat Mango? Are Mangoes Good For Dogs?


Can Dogs Eat Mango? Fruits are a pleasant reward for your dog since surely your pet also likes to enjoy those sweet and pleasant flavors.

Keep in mind that the fruit should be part of your friend’s diet, but always in a low percentage, that is, in small quantities once or twice a week.


Mango is one of those fruits that is always in doubt when talking about those foods that dogs can eat. Without a doubt,

its sweet and intense flavor would be a delicacy for your faithful friend, but does that mean dogs can eat mango? In this article of uncommon, we tell you everything you should consider before giving any fruit to your pet. Take note!


  1. Can dogs eat mango? – the answer

  2. How to give dogs handle

  3. Other fruits that dogs can eat

Can dogs eat mango? – the answer

The truth is that dogs can eat mango because it is a fruit full of benefits (both for humans and animals) that will taste happily.

But be careful, because this does not mean that you can handle your dog on a daily basis or as long as he asks you to, as it could hurt him.

What you can do is offer it as part of your diet from time to time in small quantities and as a sporadic prize.

However, you should know that dogs can not eat green mango, since in this case, the fruit juices are acid and bitter, something that could cause stomach problems for your pet (pain, diarrhea, irritation, etc.).

Can dogs eat mango
Can dogs eat mango

Benefits of mango for dogs

As we have said, mango is good for your dog because of its properties, since it brings a number of benefits to the body of your beloved pet. These are the benefits that mango can offer your dog:

  • It is rich in vitamin C: so it will help strengthen your dog’s immune system and, consequently, help him cope with the pathogenic microorganisms that may enter his body.
  • It has vitamin A: this will benefit your dog’s immune system, as well as his vision and bones.
  • Contains antioxidants: antioxidants are key for living beings to protect our health since they are responsible for dealing with different bacteria and viruses.
  • It contributes to your can folic acid: consequently, this favors the production of red blood cells.
  • Provides fiber: if your dog suffers from constipation, some mango will regulate its digestion and protect its gastrointestinal system.
  • It provides water: it is well known that every living being needs good hydration to survive; So the mango can be the perfect ally for you and your dog in the hottest summer months.

How to give dogs handle

Before giving mango to your dog, there are a number of tips that you should keep in mind. From a COMO we share them with you:

  • Choose the mango well: remember that the mango must always be very ripe, so don’t risk giving your dog a piece of green fruit.
  • Remove the skin: the mango skin is hard and does not provide the properties of its pulp, so it could cause digestive problems for your dog.
  • Remove the bones: the mango bones are very large, so regardless of the size of your dog, we advise you to remove them.

Surely now that you know all the benefits of mango and know that it is suitable for your dog you will want to know how you can offer this delicious fruit …

it’s very simple!

  • You can cut a piece of mango into small pieces and offer them.
  • You can also make mango cubes for your dog, especially on hot days. Put them in the refrigerator before giving them and remove them a few minutes before serving.
  • The ideal dose is 2 to 3 squares in small breeds, 4 in medium breeds and 5 or 6 in large breeds.
  • You can give your dog mango 1 or 2 times a week.

Can dogs eat mango

Other fruits that dogs can eat

It is important to know that it is not good to give your dog the same fruit repeatedly since the intake of the same nutrients could constantly end up hurting him. However, there are many fruits beneficial to your pet’s health, so you can alternate. These are some of the fruits you can give your dog and its properties:

Can dogs Eat Mango

  • Pears: they are a good option due to their high vitamin content. In addition, it is perfect for cleaning your pet’s teeth.
  • Strawberries: they are a natural source of vitamin C and also contain antioxidants that can protect your dog from a host of diseases.
  • Blueberries: they have high antioxidant content and prevent the appearance of heart-related diseases
  • Watermelon: Watermelon is a great source of water for your dog, making it a perfect diuretic food for them. In addition, this fruit can provide magnesium, fiber, potassium, and many vitamins. However, you must be careful, since its fructose content is high and in large quantities, it could cause problems in the body of your dog. If you want to find out more deeply if Dogs can eat watermelon, check out this article.
  • Bananas: there are dogs that respond very well to the intake of bananas since, in very small quantities, the fiber of this food can help them in case of constipation. However, there are other dogs that have not just digested this fruit well, so we recommend that you quickly eliminate it from your diet if your pet vomits or has diarrhea after eating a banana.

If this is the first time you are going to give it any type of fruit, you will need to supervise it to see how it feels. If your dog vomits or has diarrhea for more than a day, take it to the veterinarian for a reliable diagnosis.

On the other hand, just as there are beneficial fruits for your dog, there are others that you should avoid at all costs. We show you what is in this article about Fruits that dogs should not eat.

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